For an inside look into how this page works, read on. Nothing’s off limits when it starts out in a Diary written to inform, educate, and even entertain. We’ll navigate lessons learned and how to make it through those challenging times when “stuck” is the best you can muster. Join us.
Read more...The fear of stepping on a scale in front of other people can rival that of public speaking. Why? Scales simply report the news; they don’t make it. Early negative childhood experiences associated with weight are stored in our subconscious minds and stand ready to be triggered at a moment’s notice.
Read more...Quick. Tell me what you’re thinking right this second. What about now? It’s been said we have between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts each day, yet we are only aware of a tiny fraction of them. Most occur at the subconscious level with only one or two able to breach our consciousness at any given time.
Read more...Completing big projects without distractions requires careful planning and focus. A realistic deadline helps, too. The key to completion is a live list of actions with clear parameters and time constraints. Add in a crazy sense of humor, don’t take yourself too seriously, and get to work.
Read more...Dear Diary, I have always liked to keep lists of the goals I’m trying to reach, including all the steps required to achieve each one. Recently, I started keeping two separate lists: (1.) Goals I need or want to complete quickly, and (2.) Longer-term goals and/or projects that are more difficult and will take…
Read more...Coming up with goals for the future is harder than it sounds, especially if you expect to reach them. It’s one thing to jot down a list of wishes and then put the paper away. It’s a whole different ball of wax to create plans and intentionally live the results ahead of time.
Read more...Inertia, whether physical, psychological, or both, can keep us stuck firmly in place. It’s a scientific law. But since many of us already prefer the status quo, we don’t need much help from physics. What we DO need is the ability to recognize when just a tiny bit of new energy will move us forward.
Read more...For an inside look into how this page works, read on. Nothing’s off limits when it starts out in a Diary written to inform, educate, and even entertain. We’ll navigate lessons learned and how to make it through those challenging times when “stuck” is the best you can muster. Join us.
Read more...The fear of stepping on a scale in front of other people can rival that of public speaking. Why? Scales simply report the news; they don’t make it. Early negative childhood experiences associated with weight are stored in our subconscious minds and stand ready to be triggered at a moment’s notice.
Read more...Quick. Tell me what you’re thinking right this second. What about now? It’s been said we have between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts each day, yet we are only aware of a tiny fraction of them. Most occur at the subconscious level with only one or two able to breach our consciousness at any given time.
Read more...Completing big projects without distractions requires careful planning and focus. A realistic deadline helps, too. The key to completion is a live list of actions with clear parameters and time constraints. Add in a crazy sense of humor, don’t take yourself too seriously, and get to work.
Read more...Dear Diary, I have always liked to keep lists of the goals I’m trying to reach, including all the steps required to achieve each one. Recently, I started keeping two separate lists: (1.) Goals I need or want to complete quickly, and (2.) Longer-term goals and/or projects that are more difficult and will take…
Read more...Coming up with goals for the future is harder than it sounds, especially if you expect to reach them. It’s one thing to jot down a list of wishes and then put the paper away. It’s a whole different ball of wax to create plans and intentionally live the results ahead of time.
Read more...Inertia, whether physical, psychological, or both, can keep us stuck firmly in place. It’s a scientific law. But since many of us already prefer the status quo, we don’t need much help from physics. What we DO need is the ability to recognize when just a tiny bit of new energy will move us forward.